A love note from me to you about trusting your body’s wisdom

It took me 10 years of dedicated focus on my healing, working with the best practitioners and healers around the world, to learn how to heal my wounded inner child and take care of my emotional needs on an ongoing basis. Unfortunately, most of us weren’t taught to listen to, honor, and embrace our emotions.

We were shamed, ignored, and not listened to.

I suffered unnecessarily for years because I didn’t know how to listen to and take care of my feelings.

But it doesn’t have to be that way for you.
I know you’re tired of hopping from practitioner to practitioner trying to treat your symptoms yet never really getting to the root cause of what’s causing you stress and pain.

That’s why I’m here to help you know and feel that…

❤️ You are enough.

❤️ You matter.

❤️ Your feelings matter

❤️ You are valuable

And I'm here to guide you step-by-step to listen to your symptoms through the Core Emotional Healing® Self Study process so you can address the emotional root cause of your symptoms and suffering, and finally heal once and for all.

With so much love,


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Course Curriculum

    1. A Message from Elicia

    2. How To Use The Self Study

    1. The Power of Journaling

    1. Healing Hints Workbook

    1. CEH Inner Parenting Guide_ Feel More Connected and Loved

    2. CEH Inner Parenting Guide_ Feel Emotionally Supported

    3. CEH Inner Parenting Guide_ Feel Seen and Valued

    4. CEH Inner Parenting Guide_ Release the Responsibility to Please Other People

    1. Clearing Apathy

    2. Why Your Symptoms Are A Gift

    3. Embracing All Of Your Symptoms

    4. Defense Mechanisms And Adaptations

    5. Blindspots

    6. 4 Cornerstones To The Pyramid Of Healing

    7. How To Use Messages From The Body

    8. The Role of Using Multiple Practitioners for Emotional Healing

    1. What Is The Inner Child?

    2. Connecting To Your Inner Child Over Time

    3. How To Use The Inner Child Meditation

    4. Inner Child Mediation

    5. How And Why To Use A Stuffed Animal

    6. Using Photos Of You As A Child

    7. Other Ways To Connect To Your Inner Child

About this course

  • $397.00
  • 54 lessons
  • 8.5 hours of video content